Let us introduce you to Bethel and show you who we are as a church. We invite you to become part of a loving, local community that glorifies God in all areas of life.
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Bethel has grown over the years along with Loudoun County. We are anticipating a whole new community to be built right around us. We are excited to meet our new neighbors!
What is Bethel?
Who will you meet?
We are a diverse body of God’s people: women and men, black and white, young and old, long-time believers and those just starting our faith journey.
What we all have in common is fellowship brought about by God who has called together strangers and aliens to be united as family with God as our Father through Jesus Christ.
How did Bethel get started?
Bethel has been in northern Virginia since the late 1970s. In that time, we’ve celebrated births and graduations, new jobs, and weddings. We’ve mourned with each other through illness and death. The church at Bethel is not a meme or trend that lasts only a moment. We have a grand sense of our permanent relationships with one another in Christ now and throughout time and eternity.
You are wanted here
We invite you here without somehow making yourself ready. God transforms our lives through the power of his Word as it is faithfully preached week in and week out. Here you can find rock-solid truths that don’t shift with the latest whim. Be part of a loving community that endures forever.
Children at Bethel
Your children are welcome at Bethel
From babies to teens, children are welcome at Bethel. Programs specifically geared toward kids vary based on the talents we have in the congregation. At various times, our people have enriched the lives of kids with instruction in film-making, self-defense, cooking, and other skills, striving to teach them “whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
What will children learn?
The goal for any children’s program is to teach our young ones the vital truth of God’s Word and how it can be applied to all of life. We work to see children grow in their faith in Jesus and we show them how to develop a deep and abiding love for him and each other. They are accepted into the congregation by baptism and are faithfully taught in the hope they will profess their own faith and become communing members as they near adulthood.
Let them come and worship
We encourage children from a young age to participate in worship. We understand that sitting can be difficult for small children, so we offer a nursery to assist when needed. Expect to hear the occasional fuss or joyful noise in our sanctuary though!
Our kids contribute
As children grow, they are encouraged to find ways to develop their talents and serve. Our teens are a vital part of our congregation adding their own talents to worship each week. They also help with greeting, running the sound system and other technology, and even organizing events for the whole church.
Over the years, we’ve had great joy in watching our children grow as individuals and as life-long friends and come to participate in, and in some case lead, significant ministries in the church.
*Adults working with children complete a youth protection program.

Bethel’s History
church within the OPC’s Presbytery of Philadelphia. As more churches joined the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, new Presbyteries were created and Bethel became remains a part of the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic.
In 1980, the growing congregation dedicated a brick church building on a large lot just south of Leesburg. That big piece of land is significant because it would allow the church to continue to grow physically. In the fall of 2010, with meetings and programs overflowing the existing facility, construction crews broke ground on an extension to house new offices, Sunday School rooms, and a huge fellowship hall. Work crews expanded the sanctuary in 2014. The pandemic encouraged us to develop livesteam worship which continues for those who may need to worship from home.
Bethel continues to worship Christ and to serve the Leesburg community. We look forward to ministering to new neighbors as Loudoun County grows along Evergreen Mills Road. Whether you are new to the community or a long-time resident, we would love to have you become a part of Bethel's continuing and developing story!
Starting small
Can you really start a church in your living room?
Forty years ago, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a church near Loudoun County that was Bible-believing and Reformed. Churches across many denominations had moved away from their roots and abandoned teachings such as the authority of Scripture and the fall of man and his need for a redeemer in Christ alone.
Moving to Leesburg
Given Bethel’s eventual place in Leesburg, most people don’t realize the founding members first met in Herndon. These couples craved a deeper knowledge of God and a whole-souled commitment to Christ. As they grew in their commitment to their Savior, they prayerfully launched Bethel Chapel led by Ed Urban.in the Herndon Municipal building.
In 1969 The fledgling church moved from Herndon to a large historic house near downtown Leesburg where it shared space with the tiny, new Leesburg Christian School. Just one year later, in 1970, Bethel became a separate and self-sustaining